Welcome to your virtual Brave Space

 Imagine a place where you feel you can be completely yourself. A place where you can share your inner thoughts, emotions and feelings. Imagine a place where you are welcomed with a smile
and a wave…..a place you can be brave without judgement.

you don’t need to imagine that place, you’re already here!

If you are between 12-19 years of age, or a family member of a young person, you’ve come to the right place.

Here are some things we might run into in our sessions:

  • anxiety

  • divorce/family struggles

  • Pandemic anxiety

  • body-image issues

  • low self-esteem

  • social anxiety

  • depression

  • technology overload (gaming and social media)

  • ‘fomo’- fear of missing out

  • stress & time management (grades, bullying, peer pressure)

  • Drugs and alcohol

  • self-harm

  • identity/sexuality

To get the most out of our time together

I encourage:

  • at home activities that are an extension of our sessions

  • involving parent/s, guardian/s, or kin to create your support crew

Want to know how
I can help?